LeanderARW Road to 2024 Convention...
Not sure of your Senate District (SD)? Check your voter registration card or your county website.
Important Dates
Follow these easy steps to be a delegate at the upcoming RPT Convention:
1. Vote in the Republican Primary Election. 2. Attend your Precinct Convention. Find your Precinct Travis County - Williamson County 3. Be a delegate at your county/senate district convention. 4. Be a delegate at the RPT convention. Why Attend a Convention? Convention is where you meet like-minded people who are working together to put our Republican values into policy and practice. Resolutions may be submitted, which become our party platform, and set priorities for our policy makers and elected officials. Votes are taken for what delegates want to prioritize and pass, and delegates are elected for the next level of convention. At the senate district and state conventions, our elected officials and candidates come and give us legislative updates and help charge everyone up for the campaign season. Email us at [email protected] for more information.
Look for emails from TFRW with links to participate in the upcoming Zoom meetings to learn more about The Road to Convention!